anemptytextllineWell known author, teacher and activist Clint Smith talks to the CFSY about racial inequity, mass incarceration and extreme sentencing of youth in the United States.
anemptytextllineThe ACLU submitted testimony to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights about racial disparities in sentencing, and reported that disparities are highest among those sentenced to juvenile life without parole. Although Blacks make up approximately 13% of the overall population, more than 56% of those given JLWOP are Black (and there is evidence this percentage has increased in recent years).
anemptytextllineProvides summary of the Supreme Court’s key decisions on juvenile life without parole and key statistics about the rates of Black children given JLWOP, compared to their White counterparts.
anemptytextllineData demonstrates severe racial disparities in the arrest and sentencing of youth; in at least 10 states black youth arrested for murder are significantly more likely to be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole than white youth arrested for the same crime.
Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth (EIN 27-3761788) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization