Supreme Court affirms Miller Retroactivity in 6-3 Montgomery v. Louisiana Decision
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday morning in Montgomery v. Louisiana by a 6-3 margin that its 2012 ruling in Miller v. Alabama, which ruled that mandatory life-without-parole sentences cannot be imposed on those were younger than 18 at the time of their offense, must be held retroactive. The decision drew heavily on Miller, gives thousands of people hope that they and their loved ones will receive a meaningful opportunity for release, and will help to ensure that the date of conviction will not be the difference between second chances and certain death in prison. regardless of the timing of anyone’s case.
Justice Kennedy delivered the majority opinion, which was joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan.
Find the opinion in its entirety linked here.
Further news coverage:
ABC News: Justices Extend Bar on Automatic Life Terms for Teenagers
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that people serving life terms for murders they committed as teenagers must have a chance to seek their freedom, a decision that could affect more than 1,000 inmates.
The justices voted 6-3 to extend a ruling from 2012 that struck down automatic life terms with no chance of parole for teenage killers. Now, even those who were convicted long ago must be considered for parole or given a new sentence.
Washington Post:Supreme Court: Juveniles sentenced to life have option for new reviews
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that those sentenced as teenagers to life imprisonment for murder must have a chance to argue that they be released from prison.
The court said its 2012 decision that struck down mandatory life imprisonment terms for juveniles must be applied retroactively. That would mean new sentencing or a chance to argue for parole, said Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who wrote the 6-to-3 decision.