- Join us in our advocacy efforts to enact policies at the state and federal level to repair the harm caused by the superpredator theory. Sign up here.
- Stand in solidarity with those harmed by the superpredator theory and were sentenced to life without parole, but are now free, by partnering on our Community Prosperity Initiative.
- Join us in our truth-telling campaign by sharing the content on this webpage on social media using the hashtag #NoChildIsBornBad and by sharing a photo of yourself holding a picture with the words “No Child Is Born Bad.”
- Purchase a CFSY Bright Black Candle. The scent design combines grapefruit, freshly-cut grass, and thyme to invoke the beauty of fair chances and to spark action within our movement.
- Donate to CFSY to ensure children are held accountable in age-appropriate ways and never condemned to die in prison.
Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth (EIN 27-3761788) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization