Anthony Gomez

Anthony Gomez is 1 of 1,000. At 17 years old, he was condemned to die in prison. After serving 24 years in Virginia, Anthony is one of the 1,000 individuals sentenced to juvenile life without parole who are now FREE! He was the first person granted parole in Virginia when the law changed in 2020. Upon release, Anthony did not forget about those who remained in prison and was central to petitioning the Governor of Virginia to commute the sentence of Angel DeJesus, with whom he formed a bond as two Puerto Ricans from NYC serving juvenile life without parole in Virginia. Since coming home, Anthony started working at a multinational corporation as a legal support analyst. He has extensive experience as a paralegal, assisting in all aspects of complex cases. Anthony serves his community by visiting the local juvenile detention centers, jails, public schools, churches, and community centers to share his story and inspire the youth to pursue their dreams no matter what they’ve been through in life. He enjoys being outdoors and spending time with his family. He loves to go on long bike rides, hiking, kayaking, getting on extreme roller coasters, and has a special appreciation for traveling around the country!

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